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Jun 19 - 21 2023


09:00 - 17:00

SGEL Summer School

The Sustainable Global Economic (SGEL) law summer school provides a unique space for interdisciplinary conversations on global economic law and sustainability, in the context of accelerating climate change, and the persistence of socio-economic inequalities based on gender, race, class and other identity markers. The goal of the summer school is to provide a space for PhD researchers & early career scholars (up to 5 years post-PhD) working on law and globalization, to receive feedback on their works-in-progress, create a collaborative space around issues of economic law, and ecological and human sustainabilities, connecting local and global contexts. This event is part of the Transformative Effects of Globalization in Law (TEGL) research project.

It will feature thematic sessions exploring the links between law, sustainability and environmental justice, and the meanings of ‘just transitions,’ small writing workshops, and sessions on career development, as well as activities in Amsterdam connecting the city to global dynamics, such as colonization, international trade, the fossil fuel economy and counter-hegemonic dynamics.

Some of the themes include:

  • Critique in law
  • Capitalism and value in law
  • Environmental justice and reparations
  • Sustainable global markets 
  • Organizing and building research networks