Globalization & Law Network Seminar Series 2022-23

The Globalization & Law Network is composed of a group of researchers of Maastricht University, coming from different backgrounds, who study the role that law plays in a globalizing society from a holistic perspective. Invited experts will give a presentation on a specific topic followed by a Q&A session open to all participants.

These seminars will take place physically and online. We will have the following experts presenting:

  • Prof. Lucas Carlos Lima, University Federal of Minas Gerais, Brazil, ‘Regional Jus Cogens: a perspective from the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’, on Wed. 23 November 2022, 11.00 – 12.30h. CET
  • Prof. Vanessa Franssen, KU Leuven and Liege University, ‘EPPO, E-evidence and cooperation duties of service providers in criminal investigations’, on Wed. 7 December 2022, 11.00 – 12.30h. CET
  • Prof. Wouter Werner, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, ‘International Law and the Absurd’ on Wed. 11 January 2023, 11.00 – 12.30h. CET
  • Dr. Reijer Passchier, Open University of the Netherlands and Leiden University, ‘Digitalization as hyperglobalization 2.0’ on Thu. 26 January 2023, 11.00 – 12.30h. CET
  • Isadora Dutra Badra Bellati, Max Planck Institute for Comparative and International Private Law Hamburg, ‘Coloniality within the Brazilian Constitutional Court decisions: The case of unlimited outsourcing of labor’ on Wed. 8 February 2023, 11.00 – 12.30h. CET
  • Marie Gerardy, Maastricht University, ‘The Standards Effect’, and Alex Soroiu, Maastricht University, ‘​A Globalised European Standardisation System: Adressing the Challenges’ on Wed. 1 March 2023, 11.00 – 12.30h. CET