
Faculties explore four themes:

1)Constitutionalism, Representation the Subjects of Globalization
2)Economic Law and Globalisation’s Legal Infrastructures
3)Courts, Science and Legitimacy
4)National and Regional Institutions as Global Actors. 

Each participating faculty tackles one or more of the core issues through their own vision and angle, and all strive to do so by challenging traditional disciplinary and organisational boundaries.

Constitutionalism, representation and the subjects of globalization

How does globalization transform constitutional frameworks, and what would constitutional frameworks for sustainable globalization look like? How could emergent legal subjectivities (e.g. future generations or non-human entities) reflect more complex forms of agency? Which substantive notions of just sustainability are constituted through law and whose experiences do they represent? Which hierarchical norms are instrumental for securing a just sustainability, and from where do they originate?

Leaders: Phillip Paiement (Tilburg) & Christina Eckes (UvA)

Example of collaboration:

(Re)Configuring More-than-human Normativities: Strategic Litigation, Collective Actions, and Sensing Technologies (May 2022) co-organized by Andrea Leiter (UvA), Marie Petersmann (Tilburg) and Daniela Gandorfer (Logische Phantasie Lab) including contributions by Phillip Paiement (Tilburg) and Christina Eckes (UvA). 


How does globalization constitute and transform economic law, and how can we use economic law to transform globalization towards more sustainable futures? What are the legal infrastructures of economic globalization, and how do they relate to global value chains, social reproduction, multinational enterprises, and trade networks? What transformative capacity does the law have to improve them? How do public and private modes of governance, state and non-state actors operate–in parallel, conflict or in alignment–to constitute processes of economic globalization? How do these issues relate to ecological and social justice concerns?

Leaders:  Ingo Venzke (UvA) and Anna Beckers (Maastricht) 

Example of collaboration:

  • TEGL lecture series Business and Human Rights (Aug.-Nov. 2021) organized by Nicky Touw (OU), including lectures by TEGL faculty: Mark Kawakami (Maastricht), Victoria Azizi (Maastricht), Anna Beckers (Maastricht), Laura Burgers (UVA), Debadatta Bose (UvA), Marija Bartl (UvA), Ingo Venzke (UvA), Nicky Touw (OU), Phillip Paiement (Tilburg) and Daniel Augestein (Tilburg).
  • Towards Sustainable Global Economic Law: Shifts, Ruptures (Dec. 2021) organized by Ivana Isailović, including contributions by Phillipp Paiement (Tilburg).
  • Law and the Infrastructure of Global Commerce (July 2022), co-organized by Klaas H. Eller (UvA); Vladimir Bogoeski (UvA), with Anna Beckers (Maastricht), Tomaso Ferrando (Antwerp), Dimitri van den Meerssche (Asser) and Francesca Savoldi (Delft University of Technology).
  • Summer School (July 2022) organized by Ivana Isailović (UvA) involving SGEL faculty and PhD researchers (UvA),  Nairita Roy Chaudhuri (Tilburg) and Nicky Touw (Open University).

Economic law and globalisation’s legal infrastructures

Courts, Science and Legitimacy

How does globalisation and the need to tackle global phenonomena and problems transform the administrative and judicial system, and what kind of judicial system is necessary to adjudicate conflicts leading to sustainable globalisation? How is access to justice ensured to adjudicate the trans-jurisdictional and complex harms posed by globalization and its actors? How can courts evaluate increasingly intricate scientific evidence in adjudicative proceedings? What is the legitimate role of courts vis-à-vis other political institutions in shaping transformations towards sustainable globalization? How can courts offer effective protection of fundamental rights in the context of increasing globalisation? What is the role of and the relationship between different national, European and international judicial actors in ensuring effective protection of individual rights?

Leaders: Mariolina Eliantonio (Maastricht) and Maria Weimer (University of Amsterdam)

Example of collaboration:

  • TEGL sponsored workshop: Fundamental Rights and the position of courts (Dec 2022) co-organized by Maastricht and Open University.

How does globalisation impact the Netherlands and the European Union, and what would it take to ensure that globalization is sustainable also from the perspective of the Netherlands and the European Union? How are these actors developing new institutions and instruments of governance to grapple with the ails of globalisation? What extraterritorial governance mechanisms and influences could they offer in the pursuit of sustainable globalization?  

Leaders: Göran Sluiter (OU) and Han Somsen (Tilburg)

Example of a collaborative output:

    • TEGL Stakeholder event, Brussels Effects: How Does the EU Rule the World?(Dec 2022) organized by Maastricht and including a contribution from Maria Weimer (UvA)

National and regional institutions as global actors