Lecture Series
Welcome to The Transformative Effects of Globalisation in Law (TEGL) lecture series webpage. Here, the project group hosts an online lecture series focused on specific research themes within the TEGL project.
With the aim of providing broad access to the research that is being conducted, this lecture series will have both introductory as well as more specific lectures.
Upon the launch of a new series, there will be monthly uploads (accompanied by some selected reading). Once the series is complete, all lectures will remain available here so they can serve as a lasting resource within and beyond the TEGL research group.
Business and Human Rights
The first online TEGL lecture series focuses on Business and Human Rights. Globalization and international business go hand in hand, for better or for worse. This marriage poses challenging questions about the need, possibilities and limits on regulating the world-wide impact of businesses.
The introductory lecture ‘Doing business in a globalized world’ will set the stage. After that, the series will touch upon topics such as corporate law making, the influence of tech companies on democracy, environmental protection vis à vis business actors, human rights protection in trade law and contract law, the corporation as an international legal entity and the mechanisms and dilemmas of extraterritorial enforcement.
These videos were recorded between August-November 2021.
Video 1. ‘Business and Human Rights: Doing Business in a Globalized World’ by Victoria Azizi & Mark Kawakami – Maastricht University
Video 2. 'Foreign direct liability claims have been used as a means to hold multinational enterprises liable for human rights abuses that occur outside the forum state. While originating in the US, this video offers an exploratory overview of their distinct dynamics in Europe and how their use might evolve here in the future.'
Video 3. Calls for human rights due diligence laws are becoming louder: why is it not law yet, and what does corporate responsibility for supply chains actually mean, legally speaking?
Video 4. 'This lecture introduces the concept of corporate supply-chain responsibility as it has been evolving in the business and human rights field. It uses the example of the UN Guiding Principles as its central lens to explain how supply-chain responsibility is understood, framed, and currently legalized. It then contrasts this understanding to other forms of understanding responsibility in global value chains and concludes with some complementary ways in which legal regulation on supply chains can be imagined.'
Video 5. 'What is the role of human rights in the law that structures the global economy? Professors Marija Bartl and Ingo Venzke critically analyse transnational private law and international trade law regimes to show what a sustainable global economic law would look like.'
Video 6. 'The video introduces views to recent climate litigation proceedings against private actors from various jurisdictions around the world. The video describes how climate litigation against private sector actors faces unique challenges and constraints. Furthermore, it highlights key tort law concepts used in these litigation attempts and compares the various forms of remedy that are being sought by the plaintiffs.'
Video 7. 'On the road towards legal human rights accountability.' The video lecture introduces and scrutinizes more recent legislative initiatives in Europe to regulate adverse human rights and environmental impacts of global business enterprises through so-called ‘home-state’ or ‘supply chain due diligence’ legislation.
YouTube channel
You can find all video’s of the TEGL lecture series on YouTube. If you would like to stay up to date about the latest video’s you can subscribe to our channel.